Apicoectomy (Micro-surgical RCT)

Apicoectomy (Micro-surgical RCT)

An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat certain dental conditions that cannot be resolved with traditional root canal therapy. It involves the removal of the infected or damaged tip of the tooth root and surrounding tissue. This procedure is typically necessary when a previous root canal treatment has failed or when there are persistent signs of infection, such as inflammation or abscesses. It may also be recommended if there are fractures or cysts present near the tooth root.

When Is it Necessary To Undergo An Apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure performed by our endodontist to save a tooth when conventional root canal treatment fails or is not possible. Here are some scenarios in which undergoing an apicoectomy becomes necessary:

  • Persistent infection: 

If, after a root canal, the infection continues to persist despite multiple attempts at retreatment, then an apicoectomy may be recommended. This occurs when the bacteria have reached the very tip of the tooth's root and cannot be effectively eliminated through non-surgical means.

  • Complex anatomy:

Sometimes, certain teeth have intricate root structures or curved canals that make it challenging for regular endodontic procedures to fully clean and seal them. In such cases, an apicoectomy may become necessary as it allows direct access to these hard-to-reach areas for thorough cleaning and sealing.

  • Hidden canals:

Occasionally, additional canals within a tooth may go unnoticed during initial treatment or retreatment. These hidden canals serve as breeding grounds for persistent infections that cause discomfort and further damage to the tooth structure. An apicoectomy allows the exploration of these unseen spaces and ensures complete removal of infected tissue.

  • Damaged crown or filling: 

In situations where extensive dental work has been done on a particular tooth with previous fillings or crowns, accessing the root through traditional methods might pose risks like fracturing restorations or compromising their integrity further. To preserve both the restoration and ensure successful treatment, an apicoectomy may be helpful.

The Procedure

The procedure for an apicoectomy is a relatively straightforward process that aims to remove infection and save a tooth from extraction. It is typically performed by an endodontist, who specializes in root canal treatments.

During the procedure, local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the affected tooth. This ensures that the patient remains comfortable throughout the entire process. Once numbed, a small incision is made in the gum tissue near the root of the tooth.

Next, any infected or damaged tissue at the tip of the root is carefully removed using specialized instruments. The endodontist , will also clean and shape the root canals to ensure they are free from bacteria or debris. Special filling then be placed at this stage to seal off any remaining openings. Afterward, sutures are used to close up the incision site and promote proper healing. 

An apicoectomy can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on various factors such as location and complexity of infection.

Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery and aftercare are crucial aspects of any medical procedure, and an apicoectomy is no exception. After undergoing this dental surgery, it's important to take proper care of yourself to ensure a smooth recovery.

  • Immediately following the procedure, you may experience some swelling or discomfort. This is normal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication as prescribed by the endodontist in 94086. Applying ice packs on the affected area can also help reduce swelling.
  • During the initial days post-surgery, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Continue brushing your teeth gently, being careful around the surgical site. You should also rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution multiple times a day to keep the area clean and promote healing.
  • Avoid hot or spicy foods for a few days as they can irritate the surgical site. Opt for soft foods that require minimal chewing, such as soups, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. It's best to avoid using straws during this time as well since sucking motions could dislodge blood clots necessary for proper healing.
  • Follow all post-operative instructions provided by the endodontic specialist diligently. Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled so that your progress can be monitored closely.

Remember that every individual heals differently; therefore, it's vital not to rush back into your regular routine too quickly – give yourself time to recover fully.

By taking these measures and giving yourself adequate rest and care during the recovery process, you increase the likelihood of successful healing from an apicoectomy without complications or setbacks in future dental health!


An apicoectomy can provide relief from persistent dental issues while preserving your natural tooth structure. If you have been experiencing ongoing problems with a previously treated tooth or have been advised by your dentist that this procedure is necessary for you, it's best to consult with a qualified dental professional who specializes in endodontics.

Remember that every case is unique, so it's essential to discuss all available treatment options thoroughly before making any decisions about your oral health. Our endodontic specialist will guide you through each step of the process and ensure that you receive personalized care tailored to your specific needs.

So don't let lingering dental problems persist! Consider seeking advice from an experienced specialist who can determine if an apicoectomy is right for you. Visit Jen Kuei Wang DDS at 1286 Kifer Rd STE 111, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, or call (408) 245-8822 to learn more.


1286 Kifer Rd., STE 111,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Fax: (408) 245-8823

Office Hours

MON - FRI8:30 am - 5:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed